lördag 26 maj 2007

Oldies but Goldies

So my grandparents are in town...

They're old, very old, think my grandma is 81 and my grandpa is 84. They are also everything you'd ever expect grand parents to be.

Gray hair, round cheeks, questions about how you are doing in school.

When you go down to visit them there is always 7 types of cookies, meatballs, homemade jam and and lemonade.

Small kids always have issues about staying at ther realtives, grandparents etc. I never did. I loved it, my grandparents place was always a sanctuary. I got to do what ever i wanted (almost) and I am the oldest grandkid so I always had my grand parents undivided attention... Perfect! And they had this big house crammed with stuff where i could run around exploring newfound cabinets. They had strawberries in their garden, oh and flowers lots of flowers.

I remember how my grandpa always took me to the local zoo and how we fed the goats with old bread...

Anyways think I'd better close memory lane now.

Everything you'd expect from grandparents.

Funny thing they're nothing like my dad's parents... But that's a different story.

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