tisdag 8 maj 2007

Did You Give The World Some Love Today Babe?

I'm not the happiest person there is, in fact most of the time I can be quite mean and grumpy. Don't be like me, smile! It might mean more than you could possibly imagine.

And not to mention the surprise, just try and smile towards a random person in the subway. I guarantee you, they will be surprised. They will be astonished. Hell you might even make their day.

I have a friend like that, L, she is always happy, or not always, but she tries. Even if she's had the day from hell, she tries. I wish I'd be more like her.

So go on, give it a try, if not for me than for the greater good or some other random bullshit...

Did you give the world some love today babe? - Doris

Did you give the world some love today babe?
Did you give the world some love today babe?
Well you gave me lots of love that's true
You gave the world some loving too
You gave the world some love today babe

When you saw a weary man
Were you quick to realize
The thing he needed most
Was a kind look from your eyes
Whan you saw an angry face
And the faces that you scanned
Did you soften up a bit
With the flower from your hands

Oh your heart is always full of love babe
And you gave me lots of love today babe
Will you also keep the world in mind
Tell me what you did for all mankind
To give the world some love today babe

Everybody in this world has to do a whole lot more
Than love the one they spend a lifetime looking for
You just can't keep your love in a cozy little shell
Got to love the one you know and a whole darn world as well

Everybody in this world has to do a whole lot more
Than love the one they spend a lifetime looking for
You just can't keep your love in a cozy little shell
Got to love the one you know and a whole darn world as well

Got to make this one big loving world babe
Help to make this one big loving world babe
Well you gave me lots of love that's true
You gave the world some loving too
You gave the world some love today babe
And you give the world some love today
And you give the world some love today
Did you give the world some love today
Did you give the world some love toda

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