måndag 11 juni 2007

Trucks And Beer

When you graduate in Sweden you have a "flak". A "flak" is the back of a big ass truck uppon which you ride around town. As you do this you drink hideous amounts of beer and cider, you get drenched in even more hideous amounts of beer and cider. You scream your lungs out to Hey Mickey with your friends. You swim in fountains and take of your clothes...

All in all a lovely tradition.

I felt that this lovely tradition wasn't to be spolied on people who didn't appreciate it. I figured the best way not to do this was to consume hideous amounts of beer.

Ended up shitfaced, with a sore throat and a big fat smile. The weather was perfect the people that was on the "flak" were perfect.

After this rockey journey on the "flak" we went to various graduates' receptions, completely soaked in beer, inside out. Already sort of unsteady we had som more wine. Smashing!

Downside - Hangover the day after.

Warning - Next Year I am graduating, town won't be the same ;)

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